Drama as Pastor Chris blasts Gospel Singers

Drama as Pastor Chris blasts Gospel  Singers

Drama as Pastor Chris blasts gospel singers: Read here: “ They used the Church to make Money , I had to send them away “ Pastor Chris “ They were not interested in winning souls , they’ll collect huge money to perform In over 4 churches in a single Sunday . Immediately they are done singing , they move to the next church .

They don’t even wait for prayers or preaching . I told them this was for the Glory of God not theirs and they were not willing to change so I let them go . “ Pastor Chris Pastor Chris Spoke bitterly about Gospel artistes using the church and God’s name to make money .

You are singing for God and you will deny coming to perform because money is not complete ? You are not doing God’s work . Visit our blog @www.estherokeketv.com for daily news and videos.

Tue, Feb 2025     28

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