Resd here,:
Be very stingy with your Penis and Vagina...
Over 1.9million people are living with HIV in Nigeria.
Akwa Ibom has the highest prevalence rate of HIV in Nigeria, with 5.5%, Meaning that 302,500 people in Akwa Ibom are already living with HIV.
The chances of getting HIV is very high,just one casual sex,you are a carrier.
Now here is the gist
The ART drugs that manages HIV and doesn't allow it turn to AIDs is very expensive and most Nigerians can't afford it. Nigeria rely on foreign help and donations to get those drugs.
Donald Trump announced that USA is pulling of WHO,this means USA is no longer donating support materials to any country under WHO.
In the coming days,get ready to see people living with HIV walking with full blown AIDs symptoms. Death rate will rise.
The ART drugs is so effective in suppressing the virus to a point that carriers can no longer transmit.
Non availability of the drugs will usher in alot. Brace up for it.
If you are not already positive,Zip up!!
Close your legs,be very stingy with your Penis and Vagina.
If your partner doesn't want to stay one place,leave them.
Before you allow genital meet and greet,do proper medical screening.
Aids will kill you and nothing will happen,the world will keep moving. Protect yourself.
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